
Elephant Parade Burbank 2024

July 1 – August 31, 2024

Elephant Parade® Burbank 2024, the world’s largest touring public elephant art exposition, comes to the city of Burbank from July 1 to August 31, 2024.

This citywide exhibition, a first for the Los Angeles area, will include 25 elephant statues at high-traffic Burbank landmarks, public spaces, local businesses, and at area hotels. Funded and initiated by Visit Burbank, the City of Burbank’s official tourism marketing association, the “herd” of 25 will be led by Mahua designed by Los Angeles-artist Chariya Bissonnette and located on the AMC Walkway.

Each elephant has been imaginatively transformed by celebrities and artists devoted to elephant conservation and celebrating the beauty of these universally adored animals through vivid color, design, passion, and humor. No two of the 25 elephants are alike and each one merits a viewing at its carefully chosen Burbank venue. Elephant Parade® Burbank 2024 is free and open to the public at all 25 locations.

Downtown Burbank’s Elephants

Eleven of the Burbank elephants will be located in Downtown Burbank. The following are those elephants.


Khloé Kardashian “Jasmine”
Located on the Burbank Town Center’s 2nd Floor Patio

“My elephant, Jasmine, is a golden, elegant princess, beautiful beyond explanation. The elephant is the symbol of wealth and wisdom. Whatever may appear on the surface, the essence is in the soul. The point of life is to enjoy it to the fullest and leave only good behind.”


Katy Perry “Trunks”
Located on the AMC Walkway by the Batman Statue

Inspired by the musical ingenuity of Katy Perry, the bright colors and designs of “Trunks” pays tribute to Perry’s iconic musical career and gives reference to her millions of followers, “KatyCats.”


Chariya Bisssonnette “Mahua”
Located on the AMC Walkway in Front of Ben & Jerry’s

Crafted in vibrant colors and designs, “Mahua” is named after the elephant spirit that takes care of all other elephants. It inspires protection and conservation of these majestic animals.

Chris Justice “Petunia II”
Located on the Burbank Town Center’s 2nd Floor Patio

My goal was to celebrate the pure joy of the elephant. I figured the easiest way to connect that emotion was with the flower, which can be appreciated by humans and animals alike. An authentic bridging between man and nature.

Chris Chun “Garlands (Maa Lii)”
Located on the AMC Walkway in Front of Ben & Jerry’s
Maa Lii is an ancient Thai word for flower blossom. Flowers are integral part of Thai culture celebrating the elephants. Not only worn at festive occasions such as graduations, birthdays, weddings, and for good luck, flowers are also used in the most beautiful floral garlands honoring life and to pay respect to Buddha.


Diana Francis and Laura Seeley “Mosha”
Located at the Community Services Burbank

Mosha, as a baby elephant, stepped on a landmine. Mosha was rushed to the Friends of the Asian Elephant Hospital in Thailand. ELEPHANT PARADE was founded to provide funds and support for her care. Mosha was te first baby elephant to receive a prosthetic leg. In her honor, a special Mosha elephant is created for each Elephant Parade exhibition held around the world.

Utain Wongjai “Meditation”
Located at the Community Services Burbank

Meditating allows me to listen to myself and my heart. This elephant represents my admiration and faith in the elephant and my Buddhist beliefs. 

Golden Poppies

Jeff Carillo “Golden Poppies”
Located at Hilton Garden Inn Burbank

The black and gold design found on this hand-painted elephant symbolizes happiness, success, attainment, and prosperity. Even within a field of darkness and unknown, a miracle can always bloom. If you follow your dream, you will one day emerge with happiness.

Gentle Guardian

Johanna Enriquez “Gentle Guardian”
Located at Hotel Burbank

It is nighttime, a most magical time when the evening sky is filled with angels, our gentle guardians. One by one, their eyes twinkle with curiosity, illuminating the night sky. As the night grows on, the guardian angels continue to peek out from the heavens, watching over the world below, keeping us safe.


Eric Vozzola “Surprise”
Located at IKEA Burbank
This artwork celebrates the end of a festival/show/concert when confetti explodes during the last song, the lighting goes wild, and excitement fills the air.


For a full list of all the Burbank locations throughout the city, see Visit Burbank’s map:


About Elephant Parade®
Elephant Parade® orchestrates the largest global art exhibition of uniquely decorated elephant statues, aimed at promoting elephant conservation. These life-size, baby elephant statues, designed by artists and celebrities, tour international cities to elevate conservation awareness. Millions of people around the world have experienced Elephant Parade® to date, and more than 1,700 artists have contributed their designs. 2,000 unique elephant statues have been created. Since 2007, worldwide locations include Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2009; London, Great Britain 2010;  Singapore 2011; Hong Kong 2014; Bangkok, Thailand 2015; Mumbai, India 2018; Dubai 2019; Switzerland 2020, and Las Vegas 2022. www.elephantparade.com


Elephant Parade